Does the grass really have to be greener on the other side of your fence? Does your lawn look stressed and tired? Many times I find that lawns are not being fed often enough or are being fed junk food.
Every living thing needs to eat regularly with quality food to maintain good health. So too lawns need to be fed regularly to maintain its health. Any good name brand of lawn fertilizer purchased at your local hardware store will do the job.
I mentioned earlier about junk food for your lawn. It’s true that most of us like junk food that is why there are so many places we can get it. But we all know that it’s not the healthiest choice for food, but it does make us happy for a little while. In comparison some folks like to use ammonium sulfate to fertilize their lawns. But I would not recommend this to be used as your regular lawn fertilizer. This product works well to quickly turn it green but it does not promote root growth which in turn promotes top growth. So then it’s like feeding junk food to your lawn. It’s going to look happy for a short time but it’s not going to maintain its health for the long term. Just a quick note on this, in the winter with frost on the ground, this product will help to restore the color back to your lawn.
How often should lawns be fertilized? Every two to three months. In the fall, a winter fertilizer should be applied. And in the spring, a fertilizer with weed control can be applied to help control broad leaf weeds. When using the weed control fertilizer be sure to follow the directions carefully on the package for best results.
I prefer to use the hand held cast spreaders rather than the push or walk behind types. You will have better control over the area that you are casting the fertilizer. Some push style spreaders do not cover the lawn area evenly as the fertilizer does not drop from the holder evenly. That’s why some lawns have uneven color in them.
When using hand held cast spreaders, be careful about not casting fertilizer onto sidewalks, driveways or street gutters. Not only do we not want these products to end up in our waterways, but some of these products can also stain your concrete. So be sure to blow or sweep fertilizer toward the lawn after application.
Remember, the grass can be greener on your side of the fence!